How do CNC machine tools work?
2023-11-27 08:50:18

CNC machine tools are intelligent machine tools that control the machining process of the machine tool through preset programs to ensure machining accuracy and efficiency. Unlike traditional machine tools, CNC machine tools can automatically perform the machining process, eliminating the trouble of manual operation required by traditional machine tools. CNC machine tools can be widely used in various processing industries, such as aviation, automobile manufacturing, electronics, mold manufacturing, and precision machinery.
CNC machine tools are mainly composed of machine tool main body, CNC system, actuator, detection device and power supply system. The main body of the machine tool includes the base, column, worktable, feed mechanism and spindle box. The CNC system is the core part of the CNC machine tool. It controls the various actions of the CNC machine tool and completes various complex processing tasks by inputting processing programs and parameters. The actuator mainly includes electric motor, servo motor and hydraulic system. The detection device is mainly responsible for monitoring and testing the machine tool processing process to ensure processing quality. The power supply system is responsible for providing stable power supply to the machine tool.
In the working process of CNC machine tools, you first need to write a processing program, in which the machine tool processing procedures, processing tolerances, cutting speed and other parameters are specified. Then input the written processing program into the CNC system. The CNC system will control the actuators and moving parts according to the program and control the machine tool for processing. During the processing, the detection device will continuously identify the size of the workpiece and then compare it with the set value. If the error exceeds the allowable range, an alarm signal will be issued to prevent the processing quality from getting out of control. After processing is completed, the machine tool will automatically stop and output the processing results.
In short, the working principle of CNC machine tools mainly relies on preset processing programs to control the movement of the machine tool, thereby achieving high-precision, high-efficiency, and automated processing effects. Therefore, CNC machine tools have become an indispensable item in various manufacturing industries. Missing important equipment.