How to avoid passivation of lathe tools on CNC machine tools?
2024-02-29 08:41:58

Passivation of CNC lathe tools is one of the important factors affecting processing quality and efficiency. To avoid dulling of lathe tools, the following measures can be taken:

1. Choose the appropriate tool material: CNC lathes choose tool materials with good wear resistance and high hardness, such as carbide, corundum, etc., to increase the service life of the tool.

2. Correct tool geometric design: The geometric parameters such as tool tip angle, cutting angle, and edge strength of CNC lathe tools must meet the requirements of the processing materials. CNC lathes should avoid excessive cutting force and tool wear.

3. Reasonable cutting parameters: According to the requirements of the material and workpiece processed by the CNC lathe, select the appropriate cutting speed, feed speed and cutting depth. The CNC lathe can avoid excessive cutting speed and feed speed causing premature wear of the tool.

4. Check the cutting tools regularly: CNC lathes regularly check the wear of cutting tools and replace seriously worn tools in a timely manner to ensure the processing quality and efficiency of CNC lathes.

5. Correct tool installation: Ensure that CNC lathe tools are correctly installed on the tool holder, and tighten the tool clamping device to avoid vibration and wear of CNC lathe tools due to looseness.

6. Proper cooling and lubrication: During the machining process of CNC lathes, use appropriate coolant and lubricating oil to cool the tool and workpiece in time, reduce the friction between the tool and the workpiece, and extend the tool life.

7. Avoid over-processing: CNC lathes avoid over-cutting and over-feeding to reduce tool wear and ensure the quality of CNC lathe processing.

8. Clean the cutting tools regularly: CNC lathes should regularly clean the cutting chips and residues on the surface of the cutting tools to maintain the cutting performance of the cutting tools.

Through the above measures, CNC lathes can effectively extend the service life of lathe tools and reduce the impact of tool passivation on processing quality and efficiency.