How to improve the processing accuracy of double-column vertical lathe?
2023-10-28 01:52:41

Improving the processing accuracy of double-column vertical lathes is a skill and experience that every lathe processor needs to master. In the field of modern industry, double-column vertical lathes have the advantages of high precision, high efficiency, and good stability, and are widely used in various fields of machinery manufacturing. However, when operating a double-column vertical lathe, how to improve the processing accuracy is a very important issue. Let’s take a closer look below.
First of all, we need to understand the mechanism of double-column vertical lathe and the factors affecting processing accuracy. The double-column vertical lathe is a machine tool that uses the lathe spindle to drive the rotating workpiece to be processed by the cutting tool. The operation of the double-column vertical lathe will be affected by many factors, such as material hardness, tool blades, processing speed, etc. These factors will affect the processing accuracy, so we need to pay attention to the following points to improve the processing accuracy of the double-column vertical lathe.
First, tool selection. Different cutting tools are suitable for different processing materials, so we should choose appropriate tools to ensure processing quality. In the processing of double-column vertical lathes, commonly used cutting tools include HSS blades, carbide blades, CBN blades, etc. According to different processing materials, choosing different cutting tools can improve processing efficiency and processing quality.
Second, control the processing speed. Adjusting the processing speed can affect the processing quality and workpiece surface condition. Too fast a processing speed will result in reduced processing accuracy, while too slow a processing speed will affect processing efficiency. Therefore, when operating a double-column vertical lathe, it is necessary to master the appropriate processing speed to ensure the coordination of processing accuracy and efficiency.
Third, lathe lubrication and cooling. A large amount of heat will be generated during processing. Without appropriate lubrication and cooling measures, it will cause adverse effects such as workpiece deformation and surface roughness. Therefore, using appropriate lubrication and coolant is an important part of improving machining accuracy.
Fourth, the improvement of operating skills. Operating a double-column vertical lathe requires the operator to have certain skills and experience and be proficient in various operations of the lathe. During operation, you should carefully observe the cutting situation and make corresponding treatments according to different situations. Familiarity with and mastering operating skills is the key to improving processing accuracy.
The machining accuracy of double-column vertical lathe is a relatively complex task and needs to consider the influence of multiple factors at the same time. Tool selection, processing speed, lubrication and cooling, operating skills, etc. are all key factors to improve processing accuracy. Only by mastering and rationally applying these skills and methods can the high precision and efficiency of double-column vertical lathe processing be ensured.