How to prevent deformation of CNC vertical lathe?
2024-04-09 08:06:36

To prevent deformation of CNC vertical lathes, you can start from many aspects:

1. Reasonably set process parameters: Different materials for CNC vertical lathes have different requirements for processing parameters. Therefore, the workpiece material should be fully understood before processing, and appropriate cutting speed, feed speed, cutting depth and other parameters should be selected according to its characteristics. Reasonable parameter selection can help reduce thermal deformation during cutting, thereby avoiding workpiece deformation problems.

2. Optimize the clamping method: The clamping force of the CNC vertical lathe directly affects the stability and deformation of the workpiece during the cutting process. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the uniform distribution and reasonable control of the clamping force when clamping the workpiece. At the same time, CNC vertical lathes should use appropriate fixtures and fixture forms to make them in close contact with the workpiece and effectively fix the workpiece to avoid deformation problems caused by sliding and shaking of the workpiece.

3. Choose the appropriate coolant: When a CNC vertical lathe performs a large amount of cutting, it will generate a large amount of hot chips, which are important heat sources. Therefore, CNC vertical lathes use multiple nozzles and large flow coolant to cool and remove these hot chips, and use large-capacity circulating coolant or cooling devices to control temperature rise, which are all important measures to reduce thermal deformation.

4. Ensure the stability and accuracy of the machine tool: Check the stiffness and vibration of the machine tool, and perform maintenance and upkeep of the machine tool. If the CNC vertical lathe has insufficient stiffness or vibration, it may result in different processing quality of the workpiece and further deformation.

5. Pay attention to the status of the tool: The wear of CNC vertical lathe tools and cutting parameter settings may affect the processing quality. If the tool wear is uneven or the cutting parameters are set incorrectly, the machining quality of the inner and outer bevels may be different, which may lead to deformation. Therefore, CNC vertical lathes need to check and replace tools in time, and set cutting parameters reasonably according to processing requirements.

To sum up, preventing deformation of CNC vertical lathes requires starting from multiple aspects, including reasonably setting process parameters, optimizing clamping methods, selecting appropriate coolant, ensuring the stability and accuracy of the machine tool, and paying attention to the status of the tool. Only in this way can the processing quality be effectively improved and the deformation problem of the workpiece reduced.