How to prevent interference on CNC lathes?
2024-03-21 03:14:00

Interference prevention for CNC lathes can mainly be carried out from the following aspects:

1. Shielding technology: This is a common and effective anti-interference method. The CNC lathe surrounds the area that needs to be shielded with metal materials or magnetic materials to isolate the fields inside and outside the shield from each other, cut off electromagnetic radiation signals, and protect the shielded body from interference. This includes electric field shielding, magnetic field shielding, electromagnetic shielding, etc.

2. Isolation technology: CNC lathes use isolation components to isolate interference sources to prevent interference from entering the equipment and ensure the normal operation of the machine tool. Common isolation methods include photoelectric isolation, transformer isolation and relay isolation.

3. Software anti-interference technology: CNC lathes use software methods to suppress the impact of noise superimposed on analog input signals, such as using digital filtering technology. In addition, instruction redundancy, software traps, watchdog technology and other means can also be used to enable the program to automatically return to the correct running track after being disturbed.

4. Correct wiring: The ground wire of the CNC machine tool must be separated from the ground wire and signal ground wire of the CNC system to avoid interference signals from interfering with each other through the ground wire. At the same time, when multiple components of a CNC lathe need to be connected to the same ground line, if they are in a low-frequency circuit, multi-point nearby grounding should be used to shorten the grounding line and reduce interference.

5. Environmental optimization: CNC systems will also be affected by factors such as vibration, dust, temperature and humidity, and electromagnetic waves at the work site. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize the working environment as much as possible to reduce the impact of these external factors on CNC machine tools.

Please note that each anti-interference measure for CNC lathes has its specific application scenarios and limitations. Therefore, in actual applications, appropriate anti-interference measures should be selected according to specific circumstances, or a combination of multiple measures should be adopted to achieve the best results. Anti-interference effect. At the same time, regular maintenance and inspection of CNC lathes to ensure they are in good working condition is also an important means of preventing interference.