How to reduce the wear and daily repair of CNC lathe tools?
2023-10-06 10:48:12

As a modern intelligent machine tool, CNC lathes are increasingly used in industrial production and are highly praised for their high efficiency and intelligence. However, during its long-term operation, tool wear and breakage will inevitably occur, which will affect processing efficiency and quality. In response to this problem, this article will start from the two aspects of the wear causes and daily maintenance of CNC lathe tools, and explore how to reduce the wear and daily repair methods of CNC lathe tools.
1. Causes of CNC lathe tool wear
1. Material selection issues: CNC lathe tool materials should select appropriate tools according to different processing materials and different subdivisions; insufficient hardness and strength of the material, or lack of heat resistance, anti-oxidation and other properties, may cause the tool to wear easily.
2. The role of cutting force: The cutting force of CNC lathe will directly affect the tool wear, and long-term operation is the main reason for tool wear caused by excessive cutting force.
3. Improper operation: In daily use, improper operation will also accelerate the wear of the tool.
2. How to reduce tool wear on CNC lathes
1. Optimize material selection: CNC lathes select better-performing and suitable tool materials to increase the wear resistance of the tools.
2. Control cutting force: Increase the stiffness of CNC lathe tools and select appropriate cutting parameters to reduce cutting force and tool wear.
3. Maintain good cutting condition: CNC lathes should regularly clean the cutting tools, replace the cutting heads in time, and correctly adjust the sharpening angle of the cutting tools to reduce damage to the cutting tools caused by poor cutting conditions.
3. How to do daily maintenance
1. Keep it clean: Keeping the surface of CNC lathe tools clean can reduce oxidation and wear.
2. Reasonable storage: When the tool CNC lathe has not been used for a long time, it should be stored in an appropriate way, such as applying a layer of anti-rust oil, etc. to avoid surface corrosion and affect the service life of the tool.
3. Repair in time: Once the knife is found to have cracks, tooth damage, etc., it should be stopped immediately and repaired correctly.
4. Correct cutting behavior: When using CNC lathes, you should pay attention to how to match the cutting conditions to prevent accidental damage to CNC lathe tools caused by improper cutting.
In short, for CNC lathe tools, how to reduce wear is crucial. In addition to the above operating methods, tools that are used all year round also need to be tested and replaced frequently. Reasonable daily maintenance and strengthened operation training can reduce the wear rate, save tool replacement costs, improve production efficiency and quality, and lay a solid foundation for the development of the enterprise.