The development history of CNC vertical lathe products
2023-08-30 10:38:57

The History of CNC Turning Machines

CNC turning machines, also known as computer numerical control turning machines, have come a long way since their inception. In fact, their journey dates back to the 19th century when metal spinning lathes were the only tools to create cylindrical shapes. However, with the advent of computer technology, CNC turning machines have revolutionized metalworking, providing precise and efficient cutting.

The first CNC machine was developed in the 1940s by John T. Parsons- a U.S. Air Force engineer. He demonstrated that a computer could operate a machine tool, and thus the term “numerically-controlled machine” was coined. The first CNC lathe was developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the late 1940s, and the first commercial CNC lathe was introduced by Cincinnati Milacron in 1952.

In the 1960s, CNC turning machines became more complex, incorporating new technological advancements such as microprocessors. With the use of these processors, CNC turning machines could control multiple axes and execute more complicated cutting operations.

During the 1970s, Japanese companies were the first to adopt CNC turning machines, sparking a revolution in the manufacturing industry. Before the end of the decade, CNC turning machines had become the norm in most factories worldwide.

The 1980s saw the development of new technologies that made CNC turning machines more efficient and precise. The introduction of CAD/CAM software, in particular, made it easier to program and control CNC turning machines. This meant more complex designs could be executed with greater precision and in less time.

The 1990s saw the emergence of CNC turning machines with larger capacities, high-speed machining, and more advanced controls. CNC turning machines could now execute complex machining operations with fewer tools, making them more efficient than ever before.

In recent years, advancements in CNC turning machines have focused on improving their automation and flexibility. CNC turning machines are now designed to operate 24/7 with minimal human intervention, thanks to advancements in robotics and artificial intelligence technology.

In conclusion, the history of CNC turning machines is a story of consistent progress and innovation. From their humble beginnings in the 1940s, CNC turning machines have grown to become powerful tools that have transformed the manufacturing industry. Today, CNC turning machines continue to evolve, providing improved precision, efficiency, and flexibility. We can only expect more exciting advancements to come in the future.