What are the components of a CNC vertical lathe?
2023-11-28 08:47:47

CNC vertical lathe mainly consists of the following parts:
1. Spindle system: Mainly composed of spindle, bearings, gearbox, motor, etc., it is the core part of CNC vertical lathe. Its main function is to provide the required working speed and drive the processing tool for processing.
2. Servo system: including servo motor, servo amplifier, encoder, etc. The function of the servo system is to enable the processing tool to have high-precision position control and rapid movement capabilities.
3. Tool turret: The turret of a CNC vertical lathe is generally composed of multiple tool holders. Multiple tools can be installed on each tool holder, which can meet the processing needs of a variety of different workpieces.
4. Control system: The control system of CNC vertical lathe consists of hardware and software. Hardware includes CNC system panels, power supplies, control cards, etc., while software is used to write and manage processing programs.
5. Lubrication system: CNC vertical lathes require a lubrication system to maintain the smoothness and accuracy of each component of the machine tool, while also reducing the movement resistance of the machine tool bearings and extending the life of the bearings.
6. Cooling system: During the processing process, it is necessary to ensure that the temperature of the workpiece, tool and machine tool spindle is stable, so that the processing accuracy is stable and the service life of the processing tool can be extended.
7. Base: The base of the CNC vertical lathe is mainly welded from iron, cast iron or steel plates and must have high strength, good stability and precision.
A CNC vertical lathe is composed of the above-mentioned components. The quality of each component will affect the processing accuracy and efficiency of the entire machine tool. Therefore, when purchasing a CNC vertical lathe, you need to pay attention to the quality and performance of each component to meet different processing needs and accuracy requirements. .