What are the daily maintenance of CNC vertical lathes and CNC lathe optical machines?
2024-05-02 08:45:55

CNC vertical lathes are key processing equipment and require regular maintenance and upkeep in daily use to ensure their normal operation and long-term stability. The following are the daily maintenance contents of CNC vertical lathes and CNC lathes:

1. Clean the surface of the machine tool: Regularly clean the surface of the CNC vertical lathe, including the bed, guide rails, workbench, etc., remove surface dust and cutting oil residue, and keep the machine tool clean.

2. Lubrication system maintenance: Regularly check the lubrication system of the CNC vertical lathe, including the addition and replacement of lubricating oil, to ensure that the lubricating oil at each lubrication point is sufficient to ensure the smoothness and stability of the machine tool operation.

3. Check the transmission system: Check the belts, gears, transmission chains and other components of the CNC vertical lathe transmission system to ensure the normal operation of the transmission system and replace the transmission components with severe wear in time.

4. Calibrate the processing accuracy: The CNC vertical lathe regularly calibrates and adjusts the processing accuracy, including the geometric accuracy of the machine tool, the processing trajectory deviation, etc., to ensure that the processing accuracy and stability meet the requirements.

5. Check the electrical system: Regularly check the wiring, switches, motors and other components of the electrical system to ensure the normal operation of the electrical system and prevent machine tool shutdowns caused by electrical failures.

6. Tool and tool holder maintenance: Regularly check the wear of tools and tool holders, replace severely worn tools in time, and maintain cutting performance and processing quality. 7. Cooling system maintenance: Regularly clean the cooling system to ensure the smooth and clean coolant, prevent the cooling system from being blocked or leaking, and affect the processing effect.

8. Check safety devices: Regularly check the effectiveness of safety devices, including emergency stop buttons, protective covers, etc., to ensure the safety of operators.

9. Record and maintenance files: Establish maintenance records and maintenance files for CNC vertical lathes, record maintenance and maintenance conditions, so as to find problems and make repairs in time.

Through the above daily maintenance measures, CNC vertical lathes can extend the service life of CNC vertical lathes and CNC lathes, ensure their long-term stable operation, and improve production efficiency and processing quality.