What are the factors that affect the cutting volume of CNC vertical lathes?
2023-12-07 08:36:00

CNC vertical lathe is a very common mechanical processing equipment and is widely used in various processing industries. For CNC vertical lathes, cutting amount is a very important factor, which is directly related to processing efficiency and processing quality. So, what are the factors that affect the cutting volume of CNC vertical lathes?
One of the first factors that affects the cutting volume of a CNC vertical lathe is the quality of the tool. The quality of cutting tools directly affects the efficiency and quality of processing. Different cutting tools are suitable for different processing materials. Improper selection will lead to increased processing difficulty, longer processing time, and reduced processing quality.
Secondly, the hardness of the material is also one of the important factors affecting the cutting amount of CNC vertical lathe. Different materials have different hardnesses. The higher the hardness, the harder it is to cut and process, and more cutting is required to complete the processing.
In addition, the processing speed will also affect the cutting amount. The faster the processing speed, the cutting amount will increase accordingly, because the faster the processing speed, the heat accumulation in the material will increase, which will cause the cutting force to become larger, thereby increasing the cutting amount.
Finally, the machining depth is also one of the factors that affects the cutting amount. The deeper the machining depth, the cutting amount will increase accordingly. If the processing depth is too large, it will cause vibration and excessive extrusion during material processing, which will have adverse effects on the tool and the machined surface.
To sum up the above points, the cutting amount of CNC vertical lathe is jointly affected by factors such as tool quality, material hardness, processing speed and processing depth. During use, it is necessary to comprehensively consider these factors according to different situations and reasonably select processing parameters to obtain better processing results.