What is the difference between CNC machining of CNC machine tools and traditional machine tools?
2023-12-29 08:44:12

CNC machine tool CNC machining is a digital equipment based on computer programming instructions. Compared with traditional machine tools, it has the following differences:

1. High degree of automation

CNC processing is automated processing controlled by computer programs and does not require manual operation. You only need to write a program on the computer and then upload the program to the machine tool controller to start automatic processing. This greatly reduces the labor intensity of processing personnel and improves production efficiency.

2.Higher accuracy

CNC machine tools have higher processing accuracy and stability. Through CNC machining, more precise workpiece size, shape and quality requirements can be achieved. Traditional machine tools rely on manual operation and are prone to errors.

3.Wider processing range

CNC machine tools can not only process metals such as iron, steel, and aluminum, but also non-metallic materials such as plastic, wood, and glass. It can meet the processing needs of almost all kinds of different materials.

4. Higher production efficiency

Due to its high degree of automation and high processing accuracy, the production efficiency of CNC machine tools is much higher than that of traditional machine tools. The processing speed is fast, and one machine tool can complete multiple processing tasks at the same time, which can meet the efficient production requirements of enterprises.

5. Higher technical content

The application of CNC machine tools requires a high technical level, and maintenance also requires superb technical capabilities. Traditional machine tools are relatively simple and easy to operate, and do not require too much professional skills. Therefore, CNC machining places higher technical requirements on enterprises in terms of talent training.

To sum up, compared with traditional machine tools, CNC processing has the advantages of higher automation, processing accuracy and stability, wider processing range, higher production efficiency and higher technical content. In today's manufacturing industry, CNC processing has become an indispensable part, bringing more high-quality and efficient production methods and opportunities. Therefore, enterprises need to strengthen the application and development of CNC machine tools in order to better adapt to market changes and the continuous improvement of customer needs.