What should we pay attention to when positioning and clamping workpieces on CNC vertical lathes?
2023-12-15 08:36:34

CNC vertical lathe is a high-performance, high-precision machining equipment suitable for processing various small parts, such as valves, flanges, optical devices, electronic components, etc. When positioning and clamping the workpiece, you need to pay attention to the following points.
First, you should try to choose a suitable fixture. The selection of fixtures should be determined based on the shape, size, material and processing requirements of the workpiece. The selection of fixtures should avoid affecting the shape and surface of the workpiece as much as possible to ensure the accuracy and quality of processing.
Secondly, pay attention to the cooperation between the workpiece and the fixture. The position and location of the workpiece in the fixture should be determined to meet the processing requirements. The clamping strength of the fixture should be moderate, ensuring that the clamping strength is not loose but not too large to avoid damage to the workpiece.
Third, attention needs to be paid to the processing sequence and operation methods. The processing technology and processing sequence should be formulated before processing, and the cutting tools should be set and adjusted as required. During the processing, attention should be paid to the cleanliness and safety of the processing site, and timely maintenance and cleaning of machine tools and cutting fluids should be carried out.
Finally, the processed workpiece needs to be inspected and debugged. After the processing is completed, the workpiece must be inspected and measured to determine whether the processing results meet the requirements. Any adjustments and corrections that need to be made must be processed in a timely manner.
In short, when positioning and clamping the workpiece on a CNC vertical lathe, it is necessary to carefully formulate the processing technology and processing plan, select the appropriate fixture, pay attention to the cooperation between the workpiece and the fixture, keep the processing site clean and safe, and ensure correct processing after the processing is completed. Perform inspection and debugging of workpieces. Only in this way can the accuracy and quality of the processing results be guaranteed.