Analyze the processing sequence of CNC lathe?
2024-03-26 01:18:40

The processing sequence of CNC lathes is usually determined based on the shape, size, processing requirements of the parts, and the characteristics of the machine tool. The following is an analysis of the processing sequence of CNC lathes under general circumstances:

1. Preparation:

Install the fixture and workpiece: The CNC lathe fixes the workpiece to be processed on the workbench or fixture of the CNC lathe.

Install the tool: The CNC lathe selects the appropriate tool according to the processing technology and processing sequence, and installs it on the tool holder of the CNC lathe.

2. Set process parameters:

CNC lathes set processing parameters such as cutting speed, feed speed, and depth of cut to ensure cutting quality and efficiency during the processing.

3. Rough machining:

Rough machining on a CNC lathe usually refers to processing with a larger amount of cutting first to quickly remove excess material and provide sufficient machining allowance for subsequent finishing.

Rough machining on CNC lathes can be carried out by methods such as rough grinding and rough milling. The main purpose is to quickly approximate the shape of the workpiece into its final form.

4. Semi-finishing:

CNC lathe semi-finishing is to gradually reduce the cutting amount and improve the machining accuracy after rough machining, but still retain a certain machining allowance.

Semi-finishing on CNC lathes is usually performed using milling, turning and other methods to gradually approach the final part shape and size.

5. Finishing:

CNC lathe finishing is based on semi-finishing to further reduce the cutting amount and improve the processing accuracy and surface quality.

CNC lathe finishing is usually carried out by grinding, turning and other methods to achieve the final shape, size and surface accuracy requirements of the parts.

6. Surface treatment:

For some parts with special requirements, CNC lathes may require surface treatment, such as grinding, polishing, etc., to improve surface finish and precision.

7. Inspection and debugging:

After the CNC lathe is completed, the parts need to be inspected to ensure that their size, shape and surface quality meet the requirements.

If necessary, the CNC lathe needs to be debugged and maintained to ensure its normal operation and processing quality.

In general, the processing sequence of CNC lathes needs to be determined according to the specific processing requirements and the characteristics of the machine tool. It is usually from rough machining to fine machining step by step, and inspection and debugging are carried out after the processing is completed.