Commonly used tool setting methods for CNC machining centers
2024-03-07 03:34:53

The commonly used tool setting methods in CNC machining centers mainly include the following:

Trial cutting method for tool setting: This is a relatively simple method, but it will leave marks on the workpiece and the tool setting accuracy is low. It is suitable for tool setting during rough machining of parts. The tool setting method is the same as the mechanical edge finder. Determine the offset of the tool by trial cutting the workpiece and measuring the cutting depth or length.

Automatic tool setting method: realized by using the tool detection function of CNC machining center. This device can automatically and accurately measure the length of each tool in each coordinate direction and automatically correct the tool error value. The entire detection and correction process can be realized on the basis of the normal operation of the machine tool, and is completely completed by the electronic control device, eliminating human errors in tool setting, so it has high tool setting accuracy and efficiency.

Tool setting instrument and tool setting method: The tool setting instrument is divided into two types: on-machine tool setting instrument and external tool setting instrument. The external tool setter needs to be pre-calibrated outside the machine tool, and then the tool can be used after being installed on the machine tool; the in-machine tool setter directly installs the tool at a fixed position on the machine tool for measurement.

Manual tool setting method: This method requires manual operation of the machine tool to make the tool contact the workpiece, and then record the position of the tool in the machine tool coordinate system to determine the offset of the tool. This method is more cumbersome and requires higher skills from the operator.

Each tool setting method has its own characteristics and applicable scenarios. Which method to choose depends on factors such as specific processing requirements, workpiece material, and machine tool type. In actual operation, the tool setting method should be flexibly selected according to the specific situation to achieve the best processing effect.