Do you know how to master the operation method of CNC vertical lathe?
2024-04-12 07:38:39

The operation of a CNC vertical lathe involves a series of steps that ensure the efficient, precise and safe operation of the machine tool. The following is a detailed explanation of the operation method of CNC vertical lathe:

1. Start-up preparation and inspection:

Clean up the working environment and ensure that the CNC vertical lathe is free of debris to keep the operating area clean and safe.

Check whether all parts of the CNC vertical lathe are operating normally, including the bed, spindle, feed transmission, etc., and ensure that there are no abnormal sounds or vibrations.

According to the requirements of CNC vertical lathe workpiece, select the appropriate tool and ensure that the tool is installed firmly.

Prepare safety protection measures, such as wearing gloves, goggles, etc., to protect the safety of operators.

2. Booting and programming:

Turn on the power switch of the CNC vertical lathe, start the machine tool, and wait for the control system self-test to be completed.

According to the geometric dimensions, shape and requirements of the workpiece to be processed by CNC vertical lathe, programming is performed and input into the CNC system. This includes setting process parameters such as cutting speed and feed rate.

3. Tool setting and adjustment:

The CNC vertical lathe performs automatic tool setting operations to ensure that the tool is accurately installed on the tool holder and accurately corresponds to the position of the workpiece.

Adjust the relative position of the CNC vertical turning tool and the workpiece. When setting the tool, select the appropriate spindle speed, back tool amount and feed speed.

4. Running program and monitoring:

Before the CNC vertical lathe automatically runs the program, carefully check the program to ensure its correctness.

Start the CNC vertical lathe processing program, and the machine tool will perform processing operations according to the preset instructions.

During CNC vertical lathe processing, you should pay close attention to the operating status of the machine tool to ensure the stability of the processing process.

5.Problem handling and alarm response:

Once a problem occurs with the CNC vertical lathe, such as tool damage, workpiece displacement, etc., press the reset button or emergency stop button in time to interrupt the processing process.

If the CNC vertical lathe issues an alarm, you should enter the diagnostic interface of the main menu, find the cause according to the alarm number and prompt text, and eliminate the alarm in a timely manner.

6. End processing and cleaning:

After CNC vertical lathe processing is completed, the tool holder should be parked in a tool changing position away from the workpiece to ensure the safety of the tool and workpiece.

Thoroughly clean CNC vertical lathe equipment, including removing chips, coolant, etc., to keep the machine tool clean.

CNC vertical lathes perform necessary maintenance, such as lubrication of machine tools, inspection of fasteners, etc., to extend the service life of machine tools.

During the entire operation of the CNC vertical lathe, operators should always follow safe operating procedures to ensure the safety of themselves and others. At the same time, proficiency in the operation methods of CNC vertical lathes is of great significance to improving processing efficiency and ensuring processing quality.