How to extend the life of CNC machining center?
2023-10-17 09:01:21

CNC machining center is a high-precision processing equipment that is widely used in various manufacturing industries due to its high efficiency and high precision, including machinery manufacturing, mold manufacturing, aerospace and medical equipment industries. In daily use, how to effectively extend the service life of CNC machining centers has become an important issue. Let's introduce how to extend the life of CNC machining center.

1: Correct operation of CNC machining center

1.1 Inspections must be carried out before operation

Before operating a CNC machining center, the equipment must be fully inspected. The inspection includes the appearance, power supply, air pressure, lubricating oil, coolant, etc. of the equipment. Only when the equipment working environment meets the requirements can the normal operation of the equipment be guaranteed.

1.2 Standardize operations during operation

When using a CNC machining center, you must operate in accordance with relevant standardized operating procedures and strictly follow the operating rules of the equipment. Avoid incorrect operation, which may cause damage to the equipment and shorten its life.

1.3 Maintain and maintain equipment

Maintenance and upkeep are key to extending the life of your equipment. CNC machining centers require routine maintenance every day, such as cleaning, lubrication, disassembly, and inspection of equipment. Maintenance includes replacing equipment parts, refueling, adding water, etc. At the same time, maintaining the equipment can avoid equipment damage and effectively extend the service life of the equipment.

2: Time to choose high-quality equipment

Choosing high-quality equipment can greatly extend the life of the equipment and improve the applicability and performance of the equipment. When purchasing a CNC machining center, you need to consider the brand, performance, scope of application and price of the equipment. Choosing a good brand can greatly reduce the equipment failure rate and maintenance frequency, and improve the effectiveness of the equipment.

Three: Requirements when installing equipment

Before installing a CNC machining center, a comprehensive inspection of the equipment is required, and installation procedures need to be followed during installation. Before installation, it is necessary to investigate the surrounding environment of the equipment to ensure the suitability of the location, water, gas, electricity, and ambient air of the equipment. During installation, the equipment should be installed, debugged and commissioned according to correct methods.

Four: Regular maintenance and upkeep

Regular equipment maintenance, maintenance and inspection can greatly extend the service life of the equipment and improve the performance and reliability of the equipment. During equipment maintenance and upkeep, it is necessary to conduct detailed inspections of the equipment first, eliminate various faults of the equipment, and perform maintenance and lubrication on the equipment to make the equipment run more smoothly. At the same time, the equipment also needs to be regularly replaced with parts and consumables. For example, when replacing components such as rotating shafts and servo motors, during use and maintenance, you must always pay attention to the condition of the equipment and troubleshoot in time to ensure the normal use of the equipment.

To sum up, correct operation of equipment, selection of high-quality equipment and regular maintenance of equipment are important factors in extending the life of CNC machining centers. Only under the combined effect of these factors can the safe, stable and reliable operation of the equipment be guaranteed.