How to perform anti-corrosion work on CNC vertical lathe?
2024-03-04 07:56:54

The anti-corrosion work of CNC vertical lathe is very important because it is directly related to the service life and performance stability of the machine tool. Here are some recommended anti-corrosion measures:

1. Paint protection: Ensure that the surface of the CNC vertical lathe is coated with high-quality anti-corrosion paint. Regularly check whether the paint layer is intact. If it is damaged or peeling, it should be repaired in time.

2. Cleaning and drying: Keep the CNC vertical lathe clean and remove dust, oil and corrosive substances regularly. In a humid environment, special attention should be paid to keeping the CNC vertical lathe dry to avoid moisture damage to the machine tool.

3. Lubrication: Ensure that the lubrication system of the CNC vertical lathe is working properly, and check and replace the lubricating oil regularly. CNC vertical lathes use high-quality lubricants to reduce friction and wear and prevent corrosion.

4. Anti-rust treatment: CNC vertical lathe can apply anti-rust agent or wrap it with anti-rust paper for parts that are prone to rust, such as metal surfaces.

5. Storage environment: Store the CNC vertical lathe in a dry, ventilated and dust-free environment. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight, moisture or corrosive gases.

6. Regular inspections: Regularly conduct anti-corrosion inspections on CNC vertical lathes, especially for exposed parts. If problems are found, they should be dealt with promptly.

7. Training operators: Ensure that CNC vertical lathe operators understand the importance of anti-corrosion and know how to properly perform cleaning, lubrication and anti-rust work.

8. Use protective covers: For key components of CNC vertical lathes, you can consider using protective covers to protect them from the intrusion of dust and corrosive substances.

By taking the above measures, the service life of the CNC vertical lathe can be effectively extended and its performance stable. At the same time, regular maintenance and upkeep of CNC vertical lathes is also the key to ensuring the effectiveness of anti-corrosion work.