Operation method of horizontal machining center
2023-09-16 14:09:49

Operation method of horizontal machining center

How to operate a horizontal machining center? What are the process flows of horizontal machining centers?

1、 Pre startup inspection

Before operating the horizontal machining center, the first step is to conduct a pre startup inspection. This includes checking electrical circuits, power wiring, and whether lubricating oil is sufficient to ensure the normal operation of the equipment. At the same time, it is also necessary to check whether the CAD/CAM software communicated with the machining center is set up correctly and the correct code is applied.

2、 Safe operation

When conducting processing operations, it is essential to comply with safety operating procedures. This includes wearing safety helmets, safety glasses, protective gloves, and other safety protective equipment. During operation, maintain concentration and prohibit anyone from touching the rotating parts of the equipment. At the same time, sudden power outages or power outages should be avoided during the processing process to avoid equipment damage.

3、 Adjusting processing parameters

During the machining process, different machining parameters need to be set for different workpieces. The machining center usually has an automatic adjustment function, which can adjust parameters such as processing steps, speed, and feed speed. The operator needs to make adjustments according to the specific situation to ensure that the processing achieves the best effect.

4、 Maintenance and upkeep

After prolonged use, the machining center requires maintenance and upkeep. This includes cleaning lubricating oil, cleaning cutting fluid, adjusting hydraulic system, adding lubricating oil, and so on. The operator should operate according to the equipment manual to ensure that the equipment can operate continuously and stably.

In short, when operating a horizontal machining center, it is necessary to carefully follow various regulations and operating steps to ensure the safe and stable operation of the equipment, in order to achieve efficient machining results.