What affects the speed of CNC vertical lathe?
2024-01-04 08:14:13

CNC vertical lathe is a high-precision machining technology, and its speed parameter settings have an important impact on processing efficiency and processing quality. The following are the factors that affect the speed of CNC vertical lathes:

1. Properties of processing materials: Different materials used in CNC vertical lathes have different hardness and brittleness, and their cutting performance is also different. The optimal rotation speed required for different materials is also different. Generally speaking, harder materials require lower speeds, while materials with lower hardness can be processed at higher speeds.

2. Types of processing tools: CNC vertical lathe cutting tools of different types and materials will have different optimal processing speeds. Fine cutting tools need to run at lower speeds to ensure machining accuracy and cutting quality.

3. Cutting depth and tool radial cutting amount: The greater the cutting depth and radial cutting amount of CNC vertical lathe, the greater the cutting resistance, so the rotation speed generally needs to be reduced.

4. Feed speed: The feed speed of CNC vertical lathe determines the single feed distance of the tool. If the feed speed is faster, the rotation speed needs to be increased accordingly to ensure the quality of the cutting surface and processing efficiency.

5. Processing accuracy requirements: The higher the accuracy requirements for CNC vertical turning parts, the lower the required speed. On the premise of ensuring processing accuracy, try to increase the rotation speed to improve processing efficiency.

The speed of CNC vertical lathes is affected by many factors. During the processing process, companies need to carefully analyze factors such as the nature of the processing materials, cutting tools, cutting depth, feed speed and processing accuracy to ensure the maximum processing quality and efficiency.