What are the advantages of turning-milling combined with CNC vertical lathes?
2023-10-06 09:41:13

Turning and milling compound machine tools have some obvious advantages over single-function CNC vertical lathes, which mainly include the following points:

1. Multi-functional processing: Turning and milling compound machine tools can perform multiple processing operations such as turning and milling at the same time, so multiple processes can be completed on the same machine tool, reducing the number of process switching and workpiece clamping, and improving processing efficiency.
2. Space saving: Since the turning and milling compound machine tool integrates multiple functions, compared with separate lathes and milling machines, it usually has a more compact structure and takes up less factory space, which is conducive to factory space utilization.
3. Accuracy and consistency: The versatility of mill-turn machines allows multiple machining steps to be completed in the same tooling, reducing the chance of workpiece re-clamping, thereby improving machining accuracy and consistency. This is especially important for manufacturing parts that require high precision.
4. Improved production efficiency: By reducing the number of times parts are transported and clamped between different machine tools, turn-milling machine tools can significantly improve production efficiency, reduce production cycles, and reduce production costs.
5. Reduce manual intervention: Turning and milling compound machine tools are usually equipped with advanced CNC systems that can automatically perform multiple processing steps, reducing the need for manual operations, reducing the workload of operators, and reducing the risk of operating errors.
6. Adapt to complex parts: For complex workpieces, which require multiple processing operations in different directions, turn-milling compound machine tools have particular advantages. It can realize more complex workpiece processing, including multi-axis and multi-faceted processing, improving the flexibility and diversity of processing.
7. Better tool utilization: Turning and milling compound machine tools are usually equipped with automatic tool changing systems, which can automatically switch different types of tools according to different processing needs, improving tool utilization and reducing production downtime.

It is important to note that despite these advantages of mill-turn machines, specific machining needs and budget still need to be considered when selecting a machine tool. For some specific workpieces, a single-function CNC vertical lathe may still be a more suitable choice. Therefore, choosing the right machine tool should comprehensively consider factors such as workpiece type, processing requirements, production volume, and budget.