What are the causes of early failures of CNC turning and milling composite machine tools?
2023-10-31 03:15:23

The CNC turning and milling machine tool is a high-value manufacturing equipment that integrates a lathe and a milling machine into one machine and can process complex parts in one go. However, in the early stages of machine operation, some failures may occur, which are often due to the following reasons:
1. Design and manufacturing issues: Low-quality parts and substandard assembly processes may cause machine tools to malfunction in the early stages of operation.
2. Electrical system problems: Power failure, wiring failure, motor damage, etc. may cause machine bed failure.
3. Mechanical system problems: Mechanical components such as the worktable and guide rails of the machine bed may become loose and worn in the early stages of operation, resulting in a decrease in the performance of the machine bed.
4. Programming and operation problems: During the programming and operation process of CNC turning and milling compound machine tools, some mistakes or improper operations may occur, causing problems in the operation of the machine tool.
The above aspects are the main reasons for the early failure of CNC turning and milling composite machine tools. In order to avoid the occurrence of these problems, it is necessary to strengthen the quality control of machine tools, improve the maintenance of machine tools, and improve the technical level and operational standardization of operators. Only in this way can the long-term stable operation of CNC turning and milling compound machine tools be ensured, and better protection be provided for production efficiency and quality.