What causes the CNC vertical lathe to vibrate when it moves quickly?
2024-03-22 07:45:55

The cause of jitter when the CNC vertical lathe moves quickly may involve many aspects.

First of all, the speed of the CNC vertical lathe is directly related to the vibration situation. Since the rotational speed is related to the diameter, the rotational speed of a large diameter will be relatively low, while the rotational speed of a small diameter will be higher. Therefore, when the Z-axis of the CNC vertical lathe moves rapidly, jitter may occur.

Secondly, the performance of the mechanical part of the CNC vertical lathe and the feed servo system will also affect the stability of the CNC vertical lathe. For example, the mechanical part of a CNC vertical lathe may have problems such as transmission clearance, elastic deformation, friction resistance, etc., while the CNC vertical lathe servo system may have unstable output voltage due to the position loop, vibration caused by the speed loop, improper setting of adjustable parameters, or transmission machinery. Factors such as excessive screw clearance in the device can cause vibration.

In addition, incorrect clamping of the CNC vertical lathe workpiece or problems with the machine tool itself, such as loose or severely worn mechanical parts, may also cause the CNC vertical lathe to vibrate when it moves quickly.

To solve this problem, a series of measures can be taken. For example, by optimizing the Z-axis speed loop control parameters and adjusting the speed loop gain and integration time, the dynamic characteristics of the speed loop can match the current mechanical state. At the same time, the vibration data of the Z-axis can be recorded and analyzed with the help of a three-axis acceleration sensor to find out the specific cause of the jitter, and the jitter problem can be solved by using the filter function of the CNC system.

In general, the reasons for the jitter of CNC vertical lathes when moving quickly may be multi-faceted. It is necessary to comprehensively consider mechanical, electrical, control and other factors, and take targeted measures to solve them.