What is the processing sequence of CNC lathe?
2024-03-28 02:31:53

The processing sequence of CNC lathes usually follows the following steps:

1. Preparation work: CNC lathe includes clamping the workpiece, selecting the appropriate tool, setting the origin of the workpiece coordinates, etc.

2. Write processing programs: CNC lathes write CNC processing programs based on the shape, size and processing requirements of the workpiece. The program includes tool path, cutting parameters, feed speed, cutting depth and other information.

3. Loading the processing program: The CNC lathe loads the written processing program into the control system of the CNC lathe.

4. Set processing parameters: CNC lathe sets processing parameters according to the requirements of the processing program, including cutting speed, feed speed, tool speed, etc.

5. Manual tool setting: CNC lathes use manual operation mode to align the tool with the workpiece surface and set the zero point coordinates of the tool.

6. Automatic processing: Switch the CNC lathe to automatic operation mode and start the CNC lathe for automatic processing. The control system controls the tool to process the workpiece along the predetermined path according to the pre-written processing program.

7. Monitor the processing process: During the processing process, the CNC lathe continuously monitors the processing status, including cutting force, cutting temperature, processed surface quality, etc., to ensure processing quality and safety.

8. Tool replacement: When a CNC lathe tool is worn or needs to be replaced, the processing operation is suspended, the tool is replaced, and the zero point coordinates of the tool are reset.

9. Processing is completed: When the CNC lathe is finished processing, stop the operation of the CNC lathe and check whether the quality and size of the processed parts meet the requirements.

10. Unload the workpiece: The CNC lathe will remove the processed workpiece from the CNC lathe and perform necessary cleaning and inspection.

These steps may vary depending on specific processing requirements and equipment characteristics, but are generally performed in the order described above.