What is the reason why the CNC lathe temperature is too high?
2024-01-09 08:21:27

CNC lathes are an important part of modern processing tools, but they can cause some problems during use, the most common of which is excessive temperature. So, what is the reason for the excessive temperature of CNC lathe?

1. Cutting fluid leakage

Cutting fluid is an essential part of the CNC lathe cutting process. It plays the role of cooling the tool, removing chips and lubrication. However, if the cutting fluid leaks, it will also cause the lathe temperature to be too high.

There are many reasons for cutting fluid leakage, such as clogging of the cutting fluid nozzle, aging and damage of the sealing ring, insufficient cutting fluid flow, etc. These problems need to be dealt with in time to avoid affecting the normal operation of the lathe.

2. The feed speed is too fast

During CNC lathe processing, if the feed speed is too fast, it will cause the cutting temperature to rise, increase the thermal load of the machine tool, and affect the stability of the machine tool.

The solution to this problem is simple, just adjust the feed speed to keep it within the appropriate range.

3. Tool wear

Excessive cutting force will cause tool wear, thereby increasing the friction resistance of the machine tool, and also causing the temperature of the lathe to rise.

This problem can also be solved by adjusting cutting parameters or replacing tools.

4. Machine tool cooling system failure

The cooling system of the CNC lathe is an important guarantee for the normal operation of the machine tool. If the cooling system fails, the temperature of the lathe will naturally be too high.

There are many reasons for machine tool cooling system failure, such as water pump damage, insufficient or blocked coolant, blocked radiator, etc. The solution to the problem is usually inspection and repair of the cooling system.

There are many reasons why the CNC lathe temperature is too high, ranging from cutting fluid leakage, feed speed, tool wear, to machine tool cooling system failure, which may cause the lathe to heat up. Therefore, during the normal use of CNC lathes, we need to pay attention to the operating status of the machine tools, discover and solve problems as early as possible, to ensure the normal operation of the machine tools.