What should I do if the CNC vertical lathe encounters a problem?
2023-11-01 02:20:56

CNC vertical lathe is one of the important equipment in modern lathe processing, with the characteristics of high precision, high efficiency and high automation. However, during regular use, lathes will inevitably encounter various failures due to various reasons. Today, we will discuss what to do if a CNC vertical lathe encounters a malfunction.

1. Troubleshooting sequence

First of all, when encountering a fault, we must troubleshoot the problem in a certain order. Generally speaking, we should first check whether the main functional components of the machine tool system are normal, such as power supply, encoder, servo system, etc. Secondly, check whether the connection of each transmission component is firm, such as transmission belts, bearings, set screws, etc. Finally, we also need to check whether each accessory is installed correctly.

2. Common faults and solutions

(1) Power failure: If the lathe cannot start normally, first check whether the power supply is powered on, whether the voltage is normal, and whether the machine tool wiring is in good contact. If there is no problem, you can check whether the power output is normal.

(2) Servo system failure: When the machine tool cannot run according to the set program, it is likely that the servo system has failed. At this time, you can check whether the cables and connectors of the servo system are connected properly, whether the servo driver is damaged, etc. If it is a software problem, you can try reloading the software.

(3) Hydraulic system failure: If the machine tool's hydraulic system fails, it is likely that the machine tool will not be able to process normally or be unable to automatically travel back and forth. At this time, you can check whether the oil in the hydraulic system is sufficient, whether the oil circuit is smooth, whether the hydraulic pump is normal, etc. If any abnormality is found in the hydraulic pump, it needs to be replaced.

(4) Encoder failure: The encoder is one of the important components of a CNC vertical lathe. If it fails, it will affect the machining accuracy of the machine tool. When there is a problem with the encoder, you can check whether the cable is loose, whether the sensor is damaged, etc.

3. Methods to prevent failures

(1) Regular maintenance: Regular cleaning, lubrication and inspection of CNC vertical lathes can effectively reduce the occurrence of failures.

(2) Operating specifications: Operators should operate lathes properly and use correct cutting parameters and tools.

(3) Maintenance management: There should be spare storage for commonly used accessories. At the same time, complete maintenance records and troubleshooting plans should be established.

In short, CNC vertical lathes will inevitably encounter various failures during use, but as long as we master the correct troubleshooting methods and preventive measures, we can maintain the good condition of the machine tool and improve production efficiency.