What should you pay attention to during the cutting process of CNC vertical lathe?
2023-12-13 07:46:35

During the CNC vertical lathe cutting process, there are some important things to pay attention to:

1. Safe operation: Before operating a CNC vertical lathe, you must be familiar with and understand the relevant safety operating procedures and operating manuals. Make sure to wear the required personal protective equipment during operation, such as safety glasses, protective gloves, etc. In addition, ensure that the work area around the CNC vertical lathe is clean and tidy to reduce the risk of accidents.
2. Correct tool selection: Select the appropriate tool according to the processing material, cutting task and requirements. Tool geometry and material quality have a direct impact on cutting quality and efficiency. Make sure the cutting tools are installed correctly and check the cutting tools regularly for wear.
3. Reasonable cutting parameters: Set correct parameters such as cutting speed, feed speed and cutting depth. The selection of these parameters should take into account the workpiece material, tool type and machining requirements. Cutting parameters that are too high or too low will lead to low cutting efficiency, rapid tool wear, or reduced processing quality.
4. Stable clamping and fixation: During processing, ensure that the workpiece is firmly clamped to prevent relative movement between the tool and the workpiece. The clamping force should be moderate to avoid excessive deformation or damage to the workpiece.
5. Monitor the cutting process: Use appropriate monitoring devices and systems to monitor key parameters such as cutting force, vibration and temperature in real time. This can avoid overload situations, detect cutting abnormalities and faults in time, and carry out appropriate adjustments and maintenance.
6. Keep machine tools and cutting tools in good condition: Perform regular maintenance and upkeep on CNC vertical lathes, including lubrication, cleaning and adjustment. Ensure that machine tools and cutting tools are kept in good working condition to improve processing quality and extend equipment service life.
7. Reasonable cooling and lubrication: For cutting processes that require cooling and lubrication, ensure the supply of sufficient cooling lubricant to reduce cutting temperature, extend tool life, and reduce cutting force and friction.

These precautions help ensure the safety, stability and effectiveness of CNC vertical lathes during the cutting process. During operation, adjustments and optimizations are made according to specific conditions to achieve the best cutting effect and processing quality.