What should you pay attention to when processing CNC vertical lathe?
2024-01-12 08:03:54

As a high-precision processing equipment, CNC vertical lathe plays an increasingly important role in the field of machinery manufacturing. However, in order to give full play to the processing capabilities of CNC vertical lathes and ensure processing quality and efficiency, we must pay attention to some key issues.

1. Programming and process formulation: The processing process of CNC vertical lathe requires precise programming and reasonable process formulation. Programmers need to write accurate processing programs based on the geometry, size and processing requirements of the parts. At the same time, process designers need to formulate a reasonable processing technology based on the characteristics and processing requirements of the parts to ensure the smooth progress of the processing process.

2. Workpiece clamping and positioning: Workpiece clamping is an important link in the CNC vertical lathe processing process. In order to ensure processing accuracy and efficiency, appropriate fixtures must be selected to ensure stable and reliable clamping of workpieces. At the same time, positioning is also a key factor, and it is necessary to ensure the position accuracy of the workpiece during processing.

3. Tool selection and use: Tools are important tools in CNC vertical lathe processing, and their selection and use directly affect the processing quality and efficiency. It is necessary to select the appropriate tool according to the material, size and processing requirements of the part. At the same time, during use, you also need to pay attention to the wear and replacement of tools to ensure the smooth progress of the processing process.

4. Cooling and lubrication: In the CNC vertical lathe processing process, cooling and lubrication are essential links. Proper cooling can reduce the temperature rise of the tool and workpiece, improve machining accuracy and extend tool service life. Proper lubrication can reduce friction and reduce the roughness value of the workpiece surface. Therefore, it is necessary to select appropriate cooling and lubrication methods based on processing requirements and equipment characteristics.

5. Equipment maintenance and upkeep The normal operation of CNC vertical lathes is inseparable from daily maintenance and upkeep. It is necessary to regularly check the performance of various parts of the equipment, such as transmission systems, hydraulic systems, electrical systems, etc. At the same time, attention must be paid to the cleaning and lubrication of the equipment to avoid equipment failure and affect normal production.