What workpieces are suitable for processing with three-jaw chucks and four-jaw chucks on vertical lathes?
2023-12-26 08:23:27

A vertical lathe is a common metal processing equipment capable of efficiently and accurately processing workpieces. In the processing process of vertical lathe, the chuck is one of the indispensable tools. Among them, three-jaw chuck and four-jaw chuck are the two commonly used types. So, what workpieces are they suitable for processing? Let’s introduce it below.

1. What workpieces are suitable for processing with three-jaw chucks?

The three-jaw chuck is a fixture often used in lathe operations. It has a simple structure, is easy to use, and can perform non-sector clamping operations on parts. In actual processing, three-jaw chucks are mainly suitable for the following types of workpieces:

1. Cylindrical workpiece

The three-jaw chuck is very handy when processing cylindrical workpieces and can effectively fix them. Moreover, it can realize automatic centering function, improve processing accuracy, and shorten processing time. Therefore, using a three-jaw chuck is a good choice when processing cylindrical workpieces.

2. Regularly shaped workpieces

Three-jaw chucks are also very suitable for clamping regularly shaped workpieces, such as discs, hexagons, squares, etc. Compared with other chucks, the three-claw chuck is easier to operate, easier to operate, and can ensure the processing quality well.

2. What workpieces are suitable for processing with four-jaw chucks?

Unlike three-jaw chucks, four-jaw chucks are a more common clamping system. It typically works with the following types of artifacts:

1. Irregularly shaped workpieces

Compared with three-jaw chucks, four-jaw chucks have more stable clamping force. This means that it is more suitable for clamping irregularly shaped workpieces, and can stably fix irregular workpieces so that they are not easily deformed, so that the processing accuracy is well guaranteed.

2. Workpieces with greater processing power

The structure of the four-claw chuck is characterized by stronger clamping force, which is different from the structure of the three-claw chuck. Therefore, the four-claw chuck is suitable for processing workpieces with greater strength, such as copper materials, aluminum materials, etc. It can provide stronger and more stable clamping force to better ensure processing quality.

In general, for processing cylindrical workpieces and regular-shaped workpieces, the three-jaw chuck is a better choice when using a lathe; if you need to process irregular workpieces, or need to process workpieces with greater force, It is more appropriate to use a four-jaw chuck. Therefore, in actual processing operations, the chuck should be selected in a targeted manner based on specific processing needs.