How does CNC vertical lathe solve the problem of iron filings entangling?
2024-02-27 07:41:30

Iron chip entanglement is a common problem in CNC vertical lathe processing. If not dealt with in time, it will affect the processing quality and work efficiency. Here are some ways to solve the problem of iron filings:

1. Clean iron filings promptly:

During CNC vertical lathe processing, the machine must be shut down regularly to clean iron filings. CNC vertical lathes produce more iron filings, especially when the cutting depth is large or the cutting speed is fast. CNC vertical lathes use tools such as blow guns, brushes or vacuum cleaners to clean iron filings to ensure that iron filings do not accumulate on the tool or workpiece.

2. Optimize cutting parameters:

CNC vertical lathe adjusts cutting parameters such as cutting speed, feed rate and cutting depth to reduce the generation of iron chips. Reducing the CNC vertical lathe cutting speed and increasing the feed rate may reduce the length and quantity of iron chips.

3. Use tool cooling:

The use of tool coolant or cutting fluid in CNC vertical lathes can lower the cutting temperature and reduce the adhesion of iron chips, thereby reducing the possibility of iron chips entangling. Ensure that the CNC vertical lathe cutting fluid can fully cover the cutting area of the tool and workpiece.

5. Use appropriate cutting tools:

CNC vertical lathes use cutting tools with reasonable design and good chip removal, such as thread cutters, chip removal groove cutters, etc., which can effectively reduce the generation and entanglement of iron chips.

6. Increase the effect of cooling and lubrication system:

CNC vertical lathe checks the working status of the cooling and lubrication system to ensure its normal operation. CNC vertical lathe increases the cooling effect of the cooling lubrication system, which can lower the cutting temperature and reduce the adhesion of iron chips.

7. Use appropriate workpiece clamping methods:

Choose an appropriate workpiece clamping method for the CNC vertical lathe to ensure that the CNC vertical lathe workpiece is fixed and stable and reduce iron filings caused by vibration of the workpiece.

8. Check equipment regularly:

Regularly check the lubrication system, cutting tools, fixtures and other components of CNC vertical lathe equipment to ensure the normal operation of the CNC vertical lathe and avoid iron filings entanglement caused by equipment failure.

9. Change the cutting direction:

Consider changing the cutting direction of the CNC vertical lathe, especially for situations where filamentous iron chips are prone to entanglement. Changing the cutting direction may help reduce the generation and entanglement of iron chips.

Through the above methods, CNC vertical lathes can effectively solve the problem of iron filings entangled in CNC vertical lathe processing and improve processing quality and efficiency.