How to detect the bearing temperature of CNC lathe?
2024-01-08 08:18:43

CNC lathe is a high-precision, high-efficiency processing equipment with high automation and strong programmability. It is very popular in the manufacturing industry. However, if used improperly or poorly maintained, high bearing temperatures will damage the spindle bearings of the machine tool and reduce the machining accuracy and service life of the machine tool. Therefore, how to detect the bearing temperature of CNC lathes is very important.

1. Detection method

There are many ways to detect bearing temperature. Here are some of the more commonly used methods:

1. Infrared detection: Using infrared detection equipment, you can directly observe the bearing temperature without touching the bearing surface, and quickly and accurately detect the bearing temperature of various mechanical equipment.

2. Contact temperature measurement: Contact infrared thermometer guns can contact the bearing surface for temperature measurement, and because they are easy to use and affordable, they are suitable for on-site inspection.

2. Frequently Asked Questions about Bearing Temperature

Detecting bearing temperature not only allows problems to be discovered in time, but can also be avoided during preventive maintenance. Listed below are some common problems with bearing temperature and their solutions:

1. The bearing temperature is too high. The possible reason is that the lubricating oil film gap is too large or there is too little oil. Adjust the lubricating oil film gap or add an appropriate amount of oil.

2. The bearing temperature is unstable. The possible reason is that some parts or components are improperly placed or parts are damaged, resulting in unstable changes. Please replace or maintain these damaged parts in time.

3. The bearing temperature is insufficient. It may be because the bearing is covered with material, change the position or clean the conveyor belt and reduce the conveyor belt speed.

4. Bearing temperatures vary greatly. The possible reason is that the key parts of the machine are not installed properly, resulting in bearing temperature hot spots. Reinstall or adjust the key parts of the machine.

By detecting the bearing temperature of CNC lathes, we can find problems in time and solve them to ensure smooth operation and normal use of the equipment. In addition, in order to protect the bearings and increase the service life of the machine, we should regularly maintain and maintain the machine and replace damaged parts and components in a timely manner. I hope everyone can take machine maintenance and care seriously, extend the service life of the machine, and improve work efficiency.