Methods for improving thread processing accuracy using CNC vertical lathes
2024-03-06 08:54:25

The main methods for improving thread processing accuracy in CNC vertical lathes include the following:

1. Select the appropriate tool: CNC vertical lathe selects the appropriate tool type and tool parameters according to the type and specification of the thread to be processed. The cutting angle, rake angle, relief angle and other parameters of CNC vertical turning tools will affect the machining accuracy of threads.

2. Control the cutting amount: CNC vertical lathe cutting amount includes cutting speed, feed amount and cutting depth. Reasonable cutting amount of CNC vertical lathe can improve the processing accuracy and surface quality of threads. The appropriate cutting amount needs to be selected based on factors such as the hardness of the material and the durability of the tool.

3. Use coolant: The use of coolant in CNC vertical lathes can effectively reduce the cutting temperature, reduce tool wear, and improve the machining accuracy of threads. CNC vertical lathes need to select the appropriate coolant based on the type of material being processed and the properties of the coolant.

4. Control the accuracy of machine tools: The accuracy of CNC vertical lathes has a great impact on the processing accuracy of threads. Machine tools need to be maintained and inspected regularly to ensure the accuracy and stability of CNC vertical lathes.

5. Programming optimization: CNC vertical lathes use advanced programming technology to perform rough machining first and then finish machining to improve the processing accuracy and smoothness of the thread.

These methods need to be considered comprehensively, and appropriate methods should be selected according to the actual situation of CNC vertical lathe to improve the processing accuracy of threads. At the same time, during CNC vertical lathe processing, it is necessary to pay attention to the influence of various factors, such as cutting force, cutting heat, tool wear, etc., and make timely adjustments and optimizations to ensure the processing quality of threads.