How should CNC vertical lathe tools be set?
2024-01-12 07:52:08

CNC vertical lathe tool setting is an important link in the processing process, which directly affects the processing accuracy and efficiency.

The basic principle of tool setting: The principle of CNC vertical lathe tool setting is to associate the workpiece coordinate system with the machine tool coordinate system, and determine the position of the workpiece origin in the machine tool coordinate system to determine the movement trajectory of the workpiece during the machining process. During the tool setting process, we need to use the length compensation and radius compensation functions of the tool to ensure that the processed workpiece meets the design requirements.

Preparation work before tool setting: Before performing tool setting operation, we need to make the following preparations:

1. Check the tool: Make sure the tool is intact, the tool tip is sharp, and the tool bar strength meets the processing requirements.

2. Check the workpiece: Make sure that the reference surface of the workpiece is clean and free of debris and damage, and ensure that the workpiece is firmly installed.

3. Set initial point: Set an initial point on the workpiece, which should be the origin of the workpiece coordinate system or a position close to the origin.

Tool setting steps: During the tool setting process, we need to follow the following steps:

1. Install the tool into the spindle, and adjust the tool extension length and tool tip position.

2. Open the CNC system and enter the workpiece coordinate system interface.

3. Move the spindle to the initial point position and record the coordinate values of the machine tool coordinate system.

4. Calculate the tool compensation value according to the calculation methods of tool length compensation and radius compensation, and input the compensation value into the CNC system.

5. Repeat the above steps to calibrate other tools.

During the tool setting process, we need to pay attention to the following points:

1. The tool setting operation must be accurate and rapid to avoid workpiece damage or equipment failure due to operational errors.

2. When using the tool length compensation and radius compensation functions, ensure that the compensation value is calculated accurately to avoid machining errors.