How to maintain the CNC vertical lathe system?
2023-12-27 08:09:42

As a high-precision and high-efficiency machine tool equipment, CNC vertical lathe is widely used in various precision processing fields, such as aerospace, rail transit, automobile manufacturing, etc. To ensure its normal operation, system maintenance is required.

First, daily maintenance

1. Check the lubrication system: The lubrication system of the CNC vertical lathe is mainly responsible for the lubrication of various components of the machine tool. During the use of machine tools, the necessary maintenance procedures should be followed, the lubricating oil should be checked and replaced in a timely manner, and the lubrication system should be cleaned to ensure its normal operation.

2. Clean and maintain the guide rail: The guide rail is the core component of the machine tool, and its operating status always affects the processing accuracy of the machine tool. Therefore, the daily maintenance of CNC vertical lathe should include the cleaning and maintenance of guide rails. Regularly clean the guide rail surface with special detergent and gauze to maintain its smoothness and smoothness.

3. Check the wires and electrical components: You should always check whether the wires and electrical components of the CNC vertical lathe are working properly. If there are any faults, they should be dealt with in time to ensure the normal operation of the machine tool.

Second, fault repair

1. Electrical system failure: If an electrical failure occurs, troubleshooting must be carried out first, damaged electrical components must be checked, and repaired or replaced to ensure their normal operation.

2. Hydraulic system failure: Failures in the hydraulic system of CNC vertical lathes generally manifest as low speed, low pressure, oil leakage, etc. If a fault is found, it should be quickly checked, recorded and reported for repair. After the problem is completely solved, the machine tool hydraulic system needs to be cleaned.

3. Mechanical failure: For example, the wear of the transmission chain often leads to a decrease in processing accuracy. It should be checked in time and responded to.

Third, safe operation

When using CNC vertical lathes, you must pay attention to safety protection. Before operating a CNC vertical lathe, you should carefully read the manual and relevant safety regulations, and conduct a thorough inspection before use. At the same time, you should maintain a high degree of vigilance during the operation and never operate blindly. Operators also need to undergo regular safety training and be familiar with the safe operation procedures of machine tools.

In general, the daily maintenance and fault repair of CNC vertical lathes are important links to ensure their normal operation. In the process of using CNC vertical lathes, users should attach great importance to its maintenance work, discover and deal with various problems in a timely manner, ensure the long-term stable operation of the machine tool, and also provide a strong guarantee for improving the processing efficiency and production efficiency of the machine tool.