What are the electrical system fault diagnosis methods for CNC vertical lathes?
2024-01-09 08:14:27

With the widespread application of CNC vertical lathes, more and more companies are using CNC vertical lathes for production and processing to meet customer needs and improve production efficiency. However, as usage time increases, electrical system failures occur more and more frequently. At this time, timely and efficient electrical system fault diagnosis methods are particularly important.

1. System self-test

This is a relatively simple method. The control system has a self-test function when it is started. When starting up, the system will perform a self-test program to check the hardware and software. If there is any problem during the operation, an error will be automatically reported. If any abnormalities are found during the self-check, eliminate them promptly.

2. Data inspection method

Data detection is a very common method. It is more suitable for controlling faults where the vehicle directly outputs results, such as communication abnormalities, power supply abnormalities, etc. Anomalies are found through data inspection, and the problem can be eliminated later. Using the data inspection method allows us to quickly and accurately locate problems without having to analyze all faults.

3. Actual measurement method

This method is also often used. Use instruments to measure various parameters of the CNC vertical lathe, such as voltage, current, etc., to see if the measured value and the set value are normal. If not, you can find the problem location.

4. Elimination method

In addition, a relatively simple method is the elimination method. This method is relatively simple and suitable for some obvious problems. This method is to eliminate some common problems encountered based on experience. For example, if the CNC vertical lathe cannot start, you can check the power supply, cables, machine tool motors, MCU, etc. separately.

The above is the electrical system fault diagnosis method of CNC vertical lathe. When a fault occurs, methods such as system self-test, data inspection, actual measurement and troubleshooting can be used to gradually narrow the scope of the problem, and ultimately accurately find the cause of the fault and solve the problem in a timely manner. I hope this article will be helpful to the majority of CNC vertical lathe users.