What is the impact on CNC vertical lathe machining hours?
2023-12-09 08:07:22

CNC vertical lathe processing is a high-precision and high-efficiency machining method. However, when performing CNC vertical lathe machining, the working hours will be affected by many factors. These factors include but are not limited to the following aspects:
1. Difficulty of CNC vertical lathe processing
The degree of difficulty is directly related to the difficulty and quantity of processing. Processing work that is difficult and large in quantity generally requires longer working hours to complete. Therefore, the difficulty of CNC vertical lathe processing is one of the important factors affecting working hours.
2. External environmental factors
External environmental factors mainly include temperature, humidity, etc. These factors will affect the materials used in processing, thus affecting the consumption of working hours.
3. Selection of materials
For different types of materials, the corresponding processing difficulties are also different. For example, materials with high hardness require more time to be fully processed, which will increase working hours.
4. Equipment performance and status
The performance and status of the equipment are also important factors affecting the working hours of CNC vertical lathe. If the equipment malfunctions or is in an abnormal state, it will lead to low processing efficiency, thereby prolonging the processing cycle and working hours.
To sum up, when performing CNC vertical lathe processing, working hours will be affected by many factors. In order to ensure processing quality and efficiency, we need to comprehensively consider the ease of processing, external environmental factors, material selection, and equipment status, and take corresponding measures to reduce processing hours.