What should you pay attention to when using CNC vertical lathe?
2023-10-07 13:49:14

CNC vertical lathe is an efficient machining tool that can quickly manufacture precision workpieces. However, there are some things that need to be paid attention to when using CNC vertical lathes to ensure their normal operation and workpiece quality.

First, you need to pay attention to safety issues. When using a CNC vertical lathe, it is necessary to strictly follow the operating procedures to avoid safety accidents caused by operating errors. During operation, wear protective equipment such as gloves, masks, protective glasses, etc. to avoid accidental injuries. In addition, operators who are using CNC vertical lathes for the first time must receive professional training and master correct operating skills.

Secondly, the equipment needs to be kept clean. CNC vertical lathes will produce a lot of chips and oil residue during use. If not cleaned in time, they will block the heat dissipation holes, affect the heat dissipation effect, and also reduce the life of the equipment. Therefore, it is necessary to clean it in time after using the CNC vertical lathe. At the same time, the equipment also needs to be inspected and maintained regularly, such as checking whether the mechanical parts are worn and whether the fastening screws are loose, etc., to ensure the normal use of the equipment.

In addition, you need to pay attention to the selection and maintenance of cutting tools. The cutting tools of CNC vertical lathes are key components, and their selection and maintenance will directly affect the quality of the workpiece and the life of the equipment. When selecting tools, different tools need to be selected according to different processing tasks and workpiece materials to ensure the processing effect and tool life. At the same time, it is also necessary to maintain the cutting tools, such as grinding and oiling the cutting tools in time, to extend the tool life.

Finally, attention needs to be paid to the writing of processing programs. When using a CNC vertical lathe for processing, you need to write a processing program and debug it. When writing a program, it needs to be written in strict accordance with the processing technology and workpiece requirements. At the same time, the characteristics and performance of the CNC vertical lathe need to be taken into consideration to ensure processing efficiency and workpiece quality. When debugging, the program needs to be repeatedly tested and modified until it meets the requirements.

In short, when using CNC vertical lathes, you need to pay attention to safety issues, equipment cleaning, tool selection and maintenance, and processing program writing. On the premise of complying with relevant regulations and requirements, CNC vertical lathes can be maximized while ensuring workpiece quality and equipment life.